Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 123

Ava had a gas of 58 and another gas of 46. They went down to 35 breaths per minute and then 30 breaths per minute. She is down to 48% O2. Her gas was 62 this evening and she's on 54% O2. They kept her at the same vent settings. She is now eating 70 ml every four hours, instead of every 3 hours. This will help when we get her home.

She had her cat scan today and it went well. They didn't find anything protruding in her lungs. They did fine more blood vessels and arteries on her left lung, but they were not abnormal so they wouldn't operate and scrape them off. We are moving ahead to get the trach. The doctor only does surgeries on Mondays or Fridays, and Monday ofcourse is a holiday. Maybe it will happen next Friday. Keep you posted as always... She will stay on the NICU floor afterwards.  After her trach spot has healed (probably about two weeks) they will try and bottle feed her. If that works, then I can breast feed. I am SOOOO praying for that. =)

Ava weighs 7 lbs. 6oz.

Praying for Ava's health and to be able to feed...

1 comment:

  1. That's good news about her cat scan...Still praying for her and the rest of your family. May God be with you !!! - Nancy R.
