Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 115

Ava's gas was 68 during the night and 61 this morning. Her O2 is between 90 - 95%. Her echocardiogram came back the same as last time, that there is no known problems. Praise God! Her blood pressure is still on the high side, but it is a little lower. She is till in 95% O2 this evening.

The nurse told me today that a trach wouldn't solve all of Ava's problems, whatever that means...  I love opinions from people that have had my daughter from one day.

When I held her tonight she was wide awake and it was so sweet to be able to look into her eyes. I even put my finger in front of her and she was able to follow my finger with her eyes.

Ava weighs 6 lbs. 13 oz. and is on 51 ml of food.

Praying for Ava to get strong and healthy...


  1. That's great news Ann! I pray she continues to improve. Love, Jackey

  2. What a great post to read, Ann. I'm glad you both had such an interactive visit. P.S. Good attitude with the nurse's comments! Love, Maureen
